Tuesday, July 17, 2012

Kindle Deals!

Hi everyone!

If you are looking for great summer reads, we have great deals for you this week!

'Small Hangers' by Amy H. Fraher is FREE on Kindle until Friday (**Tuesday 7/17**)!  Great read for you and your little one(s).

***Unfortunately, a few readers who downloaded 'Small Hangers', received a copy with the inside pages missing.  Although only a small number of readers had this problem, we are working with Amazon to solve the issue as soon as possible.  If you are one of those readers, please follow us and/or Amy on Facebook or Twitter.  We'll be posting a message as soon as we hear back from Amazon, and you will be able to re-download your free copy.

We apologize for the inconvenience. 


YA novel 'Hunter' by C.W. Nash is now free for Amazon Prime Members to borrow.

Other summer reads for children, young adults and adults!

Wednesday, July 4, 2012

RSP SUMMER BLOGFEST: Book Trailer Wednesday!

Fallen Angels, Ghosts and Demons: 

Enter their world in the Academy of the Fallen!  

Nephilim Book Trailer

Nephilim by Daniele Lanzarotta is now available on paperback (signed copies) at RSPLaunchPad.  Also available on ebooks.