Thursday, October 6, 2011

Children's Book Week - Day 3

"Every week should be children's book week."
Here are the featured titles for the day!  Enjoy! :)
Anthony Learns a Lesson 
by Wayne Applewhite

Anthony desperately wants to play on the local baseball team. But when he comes up short on skills, he learns a very valuable lesson that helps him make the team!
I'm Squirrely! 
by Brenda Lochinger 
The loveable adventures of a happy squirrel who just can't stay still!

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Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Children's Book Week - Day 2

Here are the featured titles for the day!  Enjoy! :)

Stanley & Norman: Bad Boy Basset Brothers
by Frank Monahan

 The story of two loveable Basset Hound puppies and their adventures!


Mommy, Can You Move The Sun? 

by Kristy Christman

Sam needs his Mom for some fairly everyday things that Mom's do, but in his eyes, she's a SuperHero!  Your child will love this sweet story of a Mom's love for her child and doing everything possible to make him comfortable and happy.


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Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Children's Book Week - Day 1

Hi everyone!

To celebrate Children's Book Week, we will be featuring a few of our children's book titles throughout the week.  Enjoy! :)

Mrs. Fiddlesticks Wears a Hat

by Becca DesJardin & Beth Ripley Owermohle

Enjoy this wonderful story with your children about a teacher who is ill and how she handles her condition. This is an especially great story for children who might be experiencing this at their own school and would want to talk about it.

Rebecca's Monster
by Stephen A. Caton

Rebecca has a monster in her closet, but try as it might, the monster just can't scare Rebecca! Read how Rebecca foils the monsters every attempt!


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